I hope you are all keeping safe and well in these surreal times parents, children, board of management and friends and neighbours of our school.
What would you give to have a normal school day tomorrow?
I would give anything to hear the school yard full of chat, laughter and games and the classroom full of learning, fun and activity.
We are looking forward to when the school opens again, and it will be someday very soon.
In the meantime stay safe and well, help at home and do a little schoolwork, every day.
When you get back you will be older, taller, wiser and more attentive to the beautiful world we live in, this is what home schooling will do for you!
Thanks to all the parents for their daily input; a struggle some days perhaps and easier on other days, and to the children for their patience. You are all stars.
Derrycreha National School is 125 years old this coming June and is steeped in a rich bed of history. We won’t forget the anniversary – for all the wrong reasons – but we can still reminisce at the many faces that passed through the school gates of Derrycreha.
Watch out for more memories in next month’s edition, and if you have any old photos please email them to derrycrehans@gmail.com or send to the school mobile on 0873470772.
If you need to contact the school about future enrolment, use the above contact details.