Martin Mulchrone./, Job Coach at Employability Service West Cork, Bantry shares information he and his colleagues are using to support clients and businesses getting back to work.
I have had a number of calls from employers seeking advice on the return to work. The answer is “I don’t know”, but I will do my best to find out. This is what this article is about.
I have spoken with the HSE and Department for Business, Enterprise and Innovation. They were helpful and friendly, but do not expect any clarification of the Roadmap or Protocol as this is a moving feast depending on the Phase . You need to do the best you can. I hope these resources help.
There is some Good News
Government approves details of Restart Grant for small businesses
Direct grant aid of between €2,000 minimum and €10,000 based on commercial rates bill from 2019.
Scheme applies to small businesses with a turnover of under €5m and employing 50 people or less.
Scheme opens for applications on Friday 22 May through the Local Authorities.
The Government has agreed details of the new €250m Restart Grant, which will give direct grant aid to micro and small businesses to help them with the costs associated with reopening and reemploying workers following COVID-19 closures.
The Best Overall Guide – in a Webinar
COVID-19: Returning to the Workplace – Employment Law and HR Considerations VIDEO
This is legal advice and it covers everything HR and GDPR to Safety Training.
One of the big points that I took from the Webinar above is to keep speaking with your safety consultants.
These 4 providers are currently running or about to run online courses:
- Local Enterprise Office – keep an eye on their website as they are planning to roll out a series of webinar materials over the coming weeks
- Holland Safety – current –
- Ayrton Group – current construction –
- CMSE – coming soon –
- The CPL Institute – coming soon –
4.Irish SME Association
Skillnet are funding FREE online sessions through the Irish SME Association. Two are coming up: (N.B. Click to Register NOT Take This Course)
Like the ICF, Teagsc is giving excellent guidance. They are both industry specific, but the clearest guidance I have seen. There would surely be some parts of this advice that might be useful to you.
COVID 19: Guidelines and Recommendations for Safeguarding staff on Horticulture facilities
Best on-farm practice for Covid-19
National Standards Authority of Ireland
This is consistently some of the best information and guidance available
NSAI – COVID-19 Retail Protection and Improvement Guide
NSAI – COVID-19 Workplace Protection and Improvement Guide
Health & Safety Authority
Has a very comprehensive guide that you can click straight into answers.
Martin Mulchrone Bantry Job Coach Employability Service West Cork.
086 8126324 (with thanks to Darren Priest)